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My Inspiration of the Day

Interesting, that the small things that we so often take for granted are what seem to mean the most. Sure the vacations and celebrations are fun, but most of life is the day to day stuff. It is the laughs, the smiles, the tears, the driving to and from, the errands and the tasks that must get done. The daily living stuff that so many of us complain about, as it often feels that it gets in the way of the more fun stuff. Yet when someone in our life who we loved or cared about is gone, we suddenly miss those mundane and routine things. We feel sad that we will no longer be able to appreciate those things with our person who is no longer here. If we are fortunate enough, we may learn to appreciate the very simple things in a whole new way. We then can stop complaining about having to run our children to school or practice again, or walk the dog again, or of the noise in the house or having our elderly parent ask us the same question three times, and instead we can stop, breathe and remember to be grateful for what we have right now in this moment.

So don't take anyone or anything for granted. Today they may be here, but who knows about tomorrow.

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